Who's UR Mamma?
It all began with my mom. She is the OG dali mamma. Mother to 8 children, and grandmother to 15, great grandmother to one, SO FAR! She made sure her kitchen was the most sought after space in the house.
I wanted to do the same for my 3 sons. I wanted the same feel, the same love and care to be folded and baked into every bite they had.
For the love of family & food - #iamdalimamma

Whether you are hosting an intimate dinner party, a shower, girls night in or you just want to throw an EPIC dinner party for a few friends - call Mamma.
We'll develop a unique menu, do all the shopping - come to your house. We will cook, serve and clean up the kitchen so you can enjoy a private party without all the work.
Custom Made Baked Goods for Every Occasion
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Custom flavors
Custom items
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